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"Vacancy" type

"Vacancies" type of a page with the link to the form for sending a resume.

The page serves for placing information about vacancies: the date when a new vacancy appeared, name of the vacancy, requirements for the candidates.
The administrator can add/delete/edit the vacancies and their data.
There is a link "Send the resume" below each vacancy.
Clicking on the link opens the form of sending the resume with such fields as: "First Name", "Second Name (Patronymic)", "Last Name", "E-mail", "Contact Phone", "Additional information" and the area for attaching the file with the resume. Clicking on the "Send" button sends the data filled into the form by e-mail to the address specified in the system.

Here is an example of the "Vacancies"page.
Pages types -> | "Content" type | "Photo gallery" type | "Vacancy" type | "Catalogue" type | "News" type | "Form" type |
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