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Block "Picture"

Block "Picture" is for placing photos, graphs, schemes, charts in "gif", "jpg", "png" formats.
The picture is always located in the centre of the page.

Creating the block "Picture"

Creation of block "Picture"is provided like that of block "Text+ picture": after choosing the given block and clicking on the button "Create a block" you find yourself at the mode of block creating. There comes the preposition to enter the text of the heading(that is optional) and to define the path to the file with the illustration.
After clicking the "Send the information" button a new block is added to the table of all created blocks of the page.

Editing block "Picture"

To edit "picture" block click on the "Edit" button against the given block in the "Operation" field of the all blocks table.
You can change the heading and define the path to a new grafic file after choosing the "Change" command.
To prove the change one should click on the "Send the information" button.

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