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Block "Table with illustrations"

Block "Table with illustrations" serves creation text tables with pictures, located in each line of the first column.
To every litle picture a big one may be attached, and will be open in a special window.

The pictures are located only at the first column. One can add lines free defining their place with the help of "Add a new line" listbox. New columns are added in the same way.

There are proposed also two types of display of the table on the site: with or without the frame.

One can edit the created table: correct the text of any line, define its style, delete, add lines and columns free, change big and little pictures at every line of each columns.

You can see an example of the table with the pictures at the page "Content" type- block "List"
It demonstrates the potential of headers and subheaders, location of little and enlarged pictures. Enlarged pictures are open in special windows after clicking on the little pictures.

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